
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Calcium For Your Teeth-New Tooth Powder available

We all love our teeth and need them to speak, eat and depend on them for our beautiful smile. But we most definitely need to take care of our teeth. We often are misled or undereducated on the seriousness of taking care of our teeth or what methods to take.
Bacteria in the mouth feed on sugars in the food you eat and excrete acids that can damage teeth.  This damage is known as tooth decay and if left untreated can lead to cavities, and eventually toothache and infection.  Infected teeth may eventually need to be removed.

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The hard outer layer of the tooth is called the enamel.  Below this is a softer layer called dentin, and the core of the tooth, the pulp, contains nerves and blood vessels that nourish the tooth. As all parts are important, the nerves are very sensitive AND important.

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The existing bacteria in your mouth and the acids they produce combine to form a sticky substance called plaque.  The acids wear away the teeth for an estimated duration of twenty minutes after every time you eat and it’s important to remove plaque twice a day at a minimum to reduce the damage to teeth.
It is most important to ensure serious damage isn't caused to your teeth so that you will not experience pains and discomforts that could lead to the removal of your teeth or a less serious procedure called a root canal.

Endodontic treatments such as a root canal may be necessary to save a tooth that is severely infected. The pain from a severe toothache, often caused by damaged tissues in the tooth,  is usually remedied when an endodontist removes the damaged tissue through root canal treatments.

Oral hygiene can be broadly defined as the practice of taking care of one's mouth and keeping it clean and disease free. It also involves keeping your mouth free of a host of other problems such as bad breath by brushing regularly. Flossing and other such activities are also included in oral hygiene. It is necessary to practice oral hygiene on a regular basis to prevent a variety of oral as well as other health problems. 

The mouth is a door to the overall health and fitness of the human body. Hence, oral hygiene and health touch almost all the aspects of our lives. However, we still take it for granted. The mouth can also be considered as a mirror to our bodies as it can display the signs of a variety of things that are going wrong in the body. It can show the signs of a variety of things that are going wrong in the body. It can show the signs of nutritional deficiencies as well as general infections. The mouth also shows the first symptoms of many chronic and severe diseases as well. Oral health is important at every age. It does not matter whether you are 7 or 70, keeping your mouth clean and healthy is a must. Cavities are still one of the most common oral problems. 

Many people believe that flossing and brushing are only important for cosmetic and social reasons. They believe that regular brushing and flossing only contribute to the health of their gums, teeth and oral cavity and prevent halitosis and maintain minty fresh breath. 

The mouth is considered to be the first step of the digestive system. The first and foremost function of teeth for modern human beings is chewing food. With the help of teeth, the food is broken into small particles that are easy to swallow. The next step is the mixture of saliva in the food particles. This mixture is necessary for proper digestion. Thus, the mouth forms an integral part of the digestive system. Poor oral health can cause problems in this process that can hamper your ability to consume nutritious foods. You cannot consume food if your teeth give you pain or there are certain problems with your gums.  

For the above reasons, it is necessary to take good care of your oral cavity it is not a difficult task to take care of your mouth. Your mouth is like a door to your body, and it can reveal a lot of things about you and your health. Even a swab of saliva can help a doctor know a lot about you. Chronic infections are often caused due to improper oral hygiene routine. For instance, a chronic infection can lead to tooth loss. However, tooth loss is not the last thing you need to worry about. Gum disease can lead to a variety of other problems as well. 

Poor oral hygiene can cause a lot of problems. Poor dental health is bad for your social life as well. One of the symptoms of poor oral hygiene is halitosis, i. e. bad breath. Bacteria work on small food particles stuck in your teeth and produces chemicals like hydrogen sulfide. These chemicals like hydrogen sulfide. These chemicals emit a foul smell, which makes your mouth smell as well. 

This may sound surprising. However, poor oral hygiene can result in heart disease as well. According to research, people with periodontal diseases are more susceptible to heart disease and narrowing or arteries as compared to other people. This happens because bacteria can directly enter your bloodstream through affected gums. Many bacteria contain clot-promoting proteins that can lead to clogged arteries. Gingivitis a result of inflammation can also result in blood clots and clogged arteries. The bacteria from these infections can spread throughout the body including arteries as well. The infection may lead to the development of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries that can lead to stroke. 

According to research, the more severe the infection, the more risk appears to be. Tooth loss may also lead to plaque in the carotid artery.

As mentioned earlier, bacteria from inflammation caused due to periodontal diseases can enter the bloodstream easily. These bacteria can also aggravate respiratory systems that can lead to respiratory problems, especially in the case of people who already have some respiratory problems, especially in the case of patients who already have some respiratory problems. According to a study, there exists a link between gum diseases and acute bronchitis and pneumonia.

About 95% of adults in the US who have diabetes were also found to have periodontal diseases. This shows that people with diabetes are more susceptible to oral infections as compared to other people. However, the vice versa is true as well. Periodontal diseases can also increase the risk of diabetic complications. It gets difficult to control blood sugar levels if you have periodontal diseases. 

Periodontal diseases can also result in insulin resistance. This, in turn, can disrupt the levels of blood sugar, which can complicate your condition. 

Diabetic people should always use sugar and alcohol-free toothpaste and oral hygiene products.

This may seem shocking but periodontal disease can also increase the risk of erectile dysfunction. According to a survey, men with periodontal diseases are 7 times more susceptible to erectile dysfunction than men with proper hygiene, Once again, bacteria can enter the bloodstream through the periodontal wounds and can inflame blood vessels near genitals, causing blockages.

Around 13% of babies born in the US are premature babies. Premature babies are delicate and are more susceptible to diseases and disorders as compared to regular babies. They also face medical problems such as respiratory issues and a host of infections. It is surprising to know that the mother's oral health can play a huge role in this. 

Doctors believe that the mother's body is one of the main reasons for premature births. A common site for infection is the mouth. Doctors found that if the mother followed proper rules of oral hygiene and use non-alchohlic mouthwash along with flossing and brushing; the risk of premature birth went down significantly.

Periodontal diseases can also result in low birth weight babies. Around 18% low weight babies born in the US are born due to poor oral health. Oral bacteria give out toxins that can travel through the bloodstream of the mother, towards the placenta. These bacteria can interfere with the development and growth of the fetus. 

Oral infections can signal the body to release labor-inducing substances before the proper time. This can trigger premature labor followed by birth.

Periodontal diseases can also lead to infertility problems in women. If a woman suffers from some gum disease, she may require more time to conceive as compared to women with good oral hygiene. 

Bad oral hygiene can also result in cancer. According to research, men with gum diseases were likely to develop kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, and blood cancer. Lack of oral hygiene can also result in gum cancer, oral cancer and other forms of cancer as well.  
Here are some good habits that you can follow for total oral hygiene. In the final part of this blog, you will find tips on how to keep your mouth healthy at all ages and stages of life. 

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Use suitable brush and toothpaste.
  • Use interdental brushes to clean between your teeth at least once a day. You can even replace interdental brushes with floss.
  • To check for bad breath, lick your wrist and let it sit to partially dry. Now sniff it. If it smells bad then you probably have bad breath and you should clean your mouth.
  • Use mouthwash after flossing and before brushing.
  • Smoking is extremely injurious to overall body health. It can cause tooth staining, various gum diseases, etc. In severe cases, it can cause tooth loss and cancer. 
  • Always use safe tooth powder. Never use fluoride.
  • Throw away your worn out toothbrush after every three months or when the color signal alerts. 
  • Chewing gum isn't recommended mainly due to the sugars.
  • Brush and sometimes floss at least one hour after every meal. Brushing right after is said to possibly harm your enamel.
  • Gum disease can be prevented also by consuming a wholesome and healthy diet. 
  • Eat foods that are rich in minerals, vitamins, calcium, and other nutrients. Eat large amounts of greens and fruits.
  • Avoid sugar and sugary snacks. If you must consume sugar, limit it greatly and avoid intermittent snacking.
  • If you love sweet food and snacks, try to go for sugar-free alternatives.
  • If you have any problems with your teeth or gums you may want to see a dentist immediately do not ignore symptoms.
  • If you have oral problems and are housebound you may be able to find a dentist who can offer home visits. 
  • Dental anxiety can be a serious issue. Ask for support from your friends or family members. If possible, ask them to accompany you when you visit a dentist. You can also use music to help distract yourself from the anxiety.
  • During regular dental visits, the dentist can check for the signs of oral cancer when you visit them. 
  • Oil pull at least once a week.
  • Always check your mouth for sores, irritated gums, etc.
  • Cleanings and checkups are recommended at least twice a year.


  • Do not let children under 2years old use commercial toothpaste. You can cleanse their gums with lukewarm water instead.
  • Do not allow babies to fall asleep with a bottle. This can lead to cavities and tooth decay.
  • Encourage children to eat fruit, and vegetables over sugary snacks. Do not let them eat sticky candy.
  • Teach your children Proper brushing techniques.
  • It is recommended that after the age of 1 your children are qualified for dental checkups. 


  • Ensure brushing at least twice a day.
  • Flossing at least once a day is a must.
  • Do not chew or smoke tobacco. It is not 'cool,' and it can cause bad breath, staining, as well as cancer.
  • Always use protective gear while playing sports.
  • Visit your dentist at least twice a year for regular check-ups and cleanings.
  • Oil pull at least once a week.
  • Always check your mouth for sores, irritated gums, etc.
  • Oil pull at least once a day.
  • Cleanings and check-ups are recommended at least twice a year.

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