
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Homeschooling Part 3: Why Do People Choose To Homeschool?

Why do people choose to homeschool?

This is the question. I think an entire book could be written on why people choose to homeschool. I think that the base for most families is they feel like they want more input and power over the content, curriculum, and lessons that their children are involved in every day. Others want the freedom that homeschooling can offer as far as scheduling, traveling, activities; or simply have a more child-directed learning atmosphere. Other parents simply want to be a greater influence on their child's life than the school system and peers; which may be based in religious and/or political preferences and beliefs. 

What are the benefits of homeschooling?

I touched on that in the first question with the freedoms, more input on curriculum, etc. But homeschooling offers one on one teaching that can be specifically tailored to each student's strengths and interest. 
Most homeschooling parents will tell you that they are homeschooling for full life experience and not for their child to take a test. However, the majority of homeschool students are showing that they are excelling past their public and private school counterparts. Homeschooling also allows a lot of flexibility to pursue extracurricular activities like music, sports, art, drama, 4h, scouting and so much more. 
Additionally, many homeschool families will tell you that they are a closer family unit because of their time together. And hey, you can vacation when other schools are in session and miss the crowds. 

Is Homeschooling Legal In My State?

Homeschooling is actually legal in all 50 states. However, each state has its own set of laws and regulations regarding homeschooling.  I always recommended starting with Homeschool Legal Defense Association for information on a particular state's laws. I do think joining HSLDA is a good idea too; it is good protection for you personally and because they do a lot for the homeschooling at large. You can also check with your local school administration but don't be surprised if you get some discouraging or disparaging remarks. 

What If My Child Wants To Learn Something I am Not Able To Teach?

This is a real concern, especially when you get into high school. I can say that options for subjects you don't feel like you can teach are plentiful, depending on your area. From computer programs to coops to classes, there are many helps for the homeschooling families. You may be able to find a friend, family member or a fellow homeschooling mom that is willing and able to teach topics you are not familiar with. I have found that I can learn alongside y children in many areas. 

Husband/Wife Doesn't Want To Homeschool, Now What?

Homeschooling is a family project. When one of the spouses isn't on board, that is going to make things tough; and that first year is tough enough. 
But I would suggest showing them some statistics, articles and information. Then I would say having them meet some homeschooling families would be a good way of normalizing homeschooling. I think seeing that stats will help with feeling like the kids can get a solid education. Then meeting some families will allow them to see that the kids aren't freaks. 

Stay Tuned To Homeschooling Part 4: How Do You Homeschool With Little Ones?

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