
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Survival Myths That Could Possibly Get You Killed Myths 74-76

Survival myths, a.k.a. urban (wilderness) legends are popular beliefs shared with friends that are usually very wrong. Let’s continue with myths 74-76

Myth 74: If You're Dehydrated, You'll Know It

People rarely drink the famous 8 necessary glasses of water advertised by the media throughout the world. It is common throughout that dehydration occurs rarely and only in very extreme conditions. For this reason, people tend to drink less than what they really need.

It turns out that most of the people, who get dehydrated, become aware of it when it is too late and they are already in the phase of dehydration. Dehydration can be a serious condition that if not attended properly, can be deadly. It does not happen suddenly but you won't see it coming. 

The best possible thing to do against this problem is to drink even if you do not feel thirsty. Needless to say, the warmer the surrounding you are in the more water you need to drink. 

Myth 75: If There's An Earthquake, Stand In A Doorway

An earthquake is the "perceptible shaking of the surface of the Earth, which can be violent enough to destroy major buildings and kill thousands of people." In recent years there have been several earthquakes that have caused great disasters to the human race, such as the one that took place in Japan 2011 killing almost 16,000 people. 

There are lots of myths regarding earthquakes but one that has been passed from generation is the one stating that if an earthquake occurs, one should stand in a doorway in order to avoid the danger. That is only true if you live in an unreinforced adobe home. It turns out that in most of the modern structures the doorway is not stronger than the rest of the buildimg or infrastructure. In fact, you have more chances of getting hurt in a doorway!

The safest thing to do in this kind of dangerous situation would be to hide under a table or any other safe structure and wait until the earthquake passes or until it is safe to go outside. 

Myth 76: You Can Dig Yourself Out Of An Avalanche

If we had to face the unfortunate situation of an avalanche, it is important to know that we can never dig ourselves out of it. Think about it: If it was that easy to dig yourself out, then almost no one would die in an avalanche.

The truth is, once you are trapped inside a slab of snow you will not be able to move. Instead, you should try and swim out of the snow if it is still moving. A good idea would be to create an air pocket by placing your hands in front of your face in order to keep breathing. 

It is also wise to always travel accompanied when going to an area with potential avalanches. Also,  you should follow a course about the dangers of an avalanche before going to this kind of place. 

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