Survival Myths That Could Possibly Get You Killed Myths 77-79
Survival myths, a.k.a. urban (wilderness) legends are popular beliefs shared with friends that are usually very wrong. Let’s continue with myths 77-79
Myth 77: In Case of Lightning, Lie Down Flat on The Ground
If you happen to be outside during a storm and there is lightning, you need to know something: without going indoors there is no way for you to be a hundred percent safe. You won't ever be protected if you have no roof or another surface above you.
With this in mind,
we can now ask the following question: is it safe to lie down flat on the ground in case of lightning? No. It is not only unsafe but also extremely dangerous to lie on the ground.
The main reason for this is that lightning does not just hit the ground and die. They spread out along the surface and therefore affect other areas. So you are actually putting yourself in more danger than by standing up.
The advice: Stand up and run for shelter. Find a place with a roof and stay under it until the storm has passed.
Myth 78: In The Event of an Earthquake, create a "triangle of life" by curling up next to a bulky object that will compress slightly on impact, leaving a void next to it.
A guy named Doug Copp stated that during an earthquake, one must look for a "triangle of life". According to Copp, this triangle of life is a space behind a couch or next to a table where you will be protected. When the building collapses, all the debris will fall and be blocked by the top of the triangle of life, leaving you safe.
This theory has gained several harsh critics staging that is very dangerous. Statistics have shown that most deaths happening during an earthquake are due to falling objects and a triangle of life won't protect you from the most debris.
Hiding under a table is still your safest option in that case as a table will stop way more debris than a "triangle of life".
Myth 79: If a Tornado is approaching, opening windows will equalize pressure and prevent your house from exploding.
A tornado is a powerful and destructive wind revolving around a central base. Tornadoes can be really dangerous and wipe out entire populations in just a few minutes. For example, in 1996 in Bangladesh, a tornado killed almost 700 people and destroyed thousands of houses.
There are lots of myths related to tornadoes. One of them states that you should open your window to equalize pressure, which will prevent your house from exploding.
In reality, opening your windows during a tornado is completely useless: windows open or closed, your house will be destroyed if the tornado is strong enough.
The best thing to do in these situations is to go to the basement and hide there until it is safe outside.
Stay tuned for myths 80-100 and check out more posts here on Soul Alchemy.
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