
Monday, July 15, 2019

Eating Your Way to Amazing Sex: [Blogseries] {part2}

More and more food worldwide is being mass produced, and even have Genetically Modified (GMO) "food" as well. In fact, fertility rates have been going down for the past 60 years since our food supplies have been experimented upon.
Research shows that our food supplies have minerals, but if these minerals do not have carbon molecules attached, the minerals will not help us very much. Why not? Because we are carbon-based creatures, and our food supplies have to be carbon-based as well in order for our bodies to utilize these minerals. If these minerals are not based on carbon, our bodies only use about 15% and store the rest in our bodies where they are not utilized and can cause health problems instead of making us healthier.

Certain foods can help with libido performance and may help with other problems as well.

First, though, let's consider exactly what libido is. Having a thorough understanding of that will give you a starting point to learning what can be done about having a healthy sex drive and sex in your relationship. Then we will look at what foods to avoid and what natural superfoods to add to your diet to help with desire, sexual energy, fertility, erectile function, and great orgasms.

What is Libido?
Sexual Desire or Impulse: the instinctual craving or drive behind all human activities.

Having sexual fantasies, thinking of sex several times a week and having sex 1-2 times per week seem to indicate a normal sex drive and part of libido. One can and should be able to experience this drive and feeling at any age. However, what is happening is that even younger men can experience a lowering of sex drive, as well as performance.

Men may find that it takes them a little longer to experience an erection, the erection may not be as firm and they may not respond as fast as they did when they were younger.

If both are healthy, their sex life can be taken to a much higher level than before. Specific superfoods have been found to enhance each aspect of one's sex life: Desire, energy, fertility, erectile function & great orgasms.

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