
Saturday, October 26, 2019

Invest In Yourself: Money Saving Tip Of The Week

So what should you spend money on? One of the first things that you should invest in is yourself because being able to save money start with you. The better health you are in, physically and mentally, the better you can perform at anything! Besides health, you should also make it a priority to live in a good environment, have strong relationships, and have the willpower to get into some great habits, that include spending habits! You will learn more about how to sharpen your spending habits later on, but for now, I will share with you the importance of investing in self-improvement.

Self Improvement

I believe that you can never improve yourself enough. There is always room to learn something new and there is always a way to get better at something you're really good at. When it comes to spending money, it is important to pay your bills, but the next thing that you should focus on is putting money towards self-improvement. This includes your physical health, mental health, and education.

Physical Health

The healthier you are physical, the less likely you are to develop illnesses and ailments and you'll also have a higher chance of living a longer, happier life. In a way, money can't buy that feeling of success, but if you pay attention to what you do put your money towards, your chances of reaching financial freedom can be much greater.
  • First things first, it is important to eat a healthy balanced diet. Eating out sometimes as a treat or for a special occasion is okay, but if you do your own grocery shopping and learn how to cook, you can save money and improve your physical health at the same time. Pay special attention to what you are buying and focus on getting plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
  • Secondly, invest some time and money into exercise. You can purchase your own home gym equipment or get a gym membership. If you're not looking to invest money into exercise, you can simply exercise outdoors. Just 20-30 minutes of walking a day are great for you! Adding exercise to eating a healthy diet is key for maintaining a healthy weight and keeping your immune system in tip-top shape.
  • Third, get plenty of sleep! If you do not get enough sleep for your age, your body will not be able to function as well. The less productive you are, the less likely you are to accomplish successful things. Invest in some good shut-eye time and your body and wallet will thank you!

Mental Health

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Investing in this area should also be a high priority. Mental stress and depression can make you care less about your spending willpower and you are more likely to feel horrible about yourself overall. Here are some great ways to invest in your mental health and some of these strategies won't even cost you anything but time.

  • Practice Yoga. Yoga can be a very relaxing type of exercise and you can do it by yourself or with a group. Scientifically, yoga manipulates your body's stress response system, meaning that it can help offset anxiety-related issues such as increased heartbeat and can help make you less sensitive to pain. A wise investment would be to take a class or buy a DVD that teaches you the basics of yoga.
  • Meditate. People have used meditation as an anti-stress technique for centuries. It can help you get in touch with your body, your thoughts, nature, or anything else. It is a very relaxing technique that you can perform in any dark, quiet room. Best of all, the only resource you need to invest in meditation is time.
  • Try Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy can be very relaxing for some people, as certain scents can help your body release stress and anxiety. A wise investment would be to buy a small oil diffuser and try a few different scented oils to combat stress. Lavender, Patchouli, Valerian Root, Chamomile, and Eucalyptus oils work great for anti-anxiety and relaxation.

Environment and Relationships

 Another area of self-improvement that you should invest your resources into is your environment and relationships. You can be in the best health ever but if your environment and relationships are not in tune with it, then you probably won't get very far.

As far as your environment goes, one of the most important things you can do is keep it clean. Clutter is known to actually cause more stress, so if you live in an organized place, you are less likely to be stressed out and more likely to be productive. Invest some time into cleaning up and you'll find your self feeling great! Do your best to organize everything into neat little areas that are easy to access and well-organized. If you live in a nice outdoor area, take advantage of that and go for strolls in your local parks. If you live in a more industrial area, such as a city, go out, get involved, and make the most out of your life and living arrangement. The friendlier you are with people, the more likely you are to make friends. 

You can even increase your chances of getting great business opportunities just by talking to people. That brings us to the topic of relationships. If you are missing great, strong, healthy relationships in your life, your physical and mental health risks the chance of decreasing. The key is to surround yourself with positive, supportive, and like-minded people. Negative people will only bring you down. Invest some time into developing good relationships with your friends and loved ones. The stronger they are, the stronger you can be.


Finally, one of the best things that you can do to improve your life is to invest in your own education. Whether you spend just $10-25 on books and materials each month for personal education, you can't go wrong. I know a lot of people who have been out of school for years yet they continue to read and learn because it fulfills them and it helps them become better people. I think it's very easy and wise to make monetary investments into your overall self-improvement because you could gain something truly valuable to apply to your life that will pay huge dividends for you throughout the rest of your life. The more you learn, the more that you will find doors of opportunity opening for you. Learning new things can help you feel confident, inspired, and motivated to do great things with your life. Also, the more you learn, the more job opportunities you can get along with great ideas that could earn you or save you lots of money.

The point is that investing in yourself is crucial for being successful at anything. All of the points listed here can easily make up the foundation of a great, successful life. By investing your time and money into these things, your chance of a higher return in your life can increase. For example, if you spend $10 a month on general self-improvement books, you may find that it's easier to talk to others, be confident, and be motivated, which may lead to the courage to follow your dreams.

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