
Saturday, November 9, 2019

Surprising Facts You Probably Didn't Know

Ever had that nerdy kid in school who’d always throw random facts at you? Quite annoying wasn’t it? Well, now she’s got a blog.

Now if you were truly honest with yourself you’d admit that some things you heard did sort of intrigue you. Or maybe even prompted you to think on that a bit, or even take a deeper peek.

Then there probably were some stuff where you simply scratched your head and echoed inside your mind the questions: “Why?” “Who even cares?”
Well, somewhere someone just may. Or maybe not. Either way, I’m posting facts.
Dude, you need to read this stuff. It could change your life.  Actual documented facts that may surprise you.

No? Ummkay, did you know what kind of song the American National Anthem is based on? How much of a ribbon worm’s own body can it eat and still survive if it gets a little hungry? Which pirate ate a man’s beating heart?
If you didn’t know any of that then I bet you didn’t know that William Shakespeare wrote the world’s first knock-knock joke, did you? Well, no worries because I will cover topics ranging from music to TV, film, ancient civilizations, royalty, animals, insects, plant life and more!
  1. President Theodore Roosevelt (after whom the Teddy Bear is named) was particularly fond of animals, having five guinea pigs called Dr. Johnson, Bishop Doane, Fighting Bob Evans, Admiral Dewy, and Father O'Grady. He also owned a small bear called Johnathan Edwards, a lizard by the name of Bill, Baron Speckle (a hen), a badger called Josiah, Eli Yale the parrot and- brilliantly - a snake known to his family as Emily Spinach.
  2. In its lifetime, an albatross is believed to fly around fifteen million miles. To put that into perspective, it is the same as flying halfway to Mars when it is at its closest distance to the Earth.
  3. It takes up to a thousand gallons of water to make one gallon of cow's milk.
  4. Airbag, Fermented horse milk that is drunk by the Mongolians religiously has up to 4% more lactose than cow's milk and is not generally tolerated by a foreigner's body. The Mongolians also use the milk to make Vodka.
  5. Trying to break a car window in an emergency with a mallet, hammer or bat is nearly impossible. One of the best ways to break a car window is to use that hammer to crack a spark plug and toss the porcelain towards the window and it will shatter instantly.


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